2020 Election Results | Thanksgiving
VICTORY IS OURS!!!! Saturday, November 7th was such a Historic day!! the Biden-Harris campaign did it! The United States has elected the first women of color to be the Vice President of the United States- kamala harris. This means so much for Black/Brown women and young girls. This also means so much for representation for US! we are so proud of what you’ve accomplished and we know you are going to make real change in the white house. I couldn’t be more proud of the hard work we’ve done for our county and This is just the beginning. Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get busy! i’m Completely filled with joy and confidence knowing our country will make systemic progress.
Wine Time
This month, I’d like to feature my favorite wine of all time which I’m drinking at the moment. Yes, Meiomi’s Pinot Noir (FYI, you’ll get this article in the AM. I’m writing this at 9PM, ha!). This California wine has notes of strawberry, vanilla, and oak which all mesh and make one of the most tasteful wines. I’ve found this wine cheaper at Sam’s Club, so if you plan to give it a try, I’d try shopping there.
Black Fact
Stacey Abrams the Lawyer, Political Leader and Author played a very important part in the biggest win of 2020. With voter suppression causing her to lose in running to become the first black woman Governor of Atlanta in 2018, she came back with a BANG! Stacey Abrams worked to register 800,000 new Georgia voters through her two anti voter-suppression groups for this year’s election. Even-though turning Georgia blue hasn’t been confirmed yet, we know Stacey and her team’s efforts played a big role. We thank you for all of your hard work and service Stacey. For more facts about this amazing human being, please visit here.
How a Biden Presidency can affect your finances
Student Loans - Student loan payments have been placed on pause until 12/31/2020. Right now, it’s unsure if an extension will be put in place when Joe Biden takes office on January 20, 2021. To ensure you’re prepared, try to put away enough money to cover your January student loan payment. I don’t know about you guys, but I had my hopes up for a possible cancelation of student loan debt up to $50K per borrower. The reality is, this requires legislative action by Congress. With that being said, it’s unlikely for student debt cancelation to happen since Republicans currently have control in the Senate.
Taxes - Biden has promised to raise taxes on the richest, cut them for others and raise benefits for lower earners. Income-tax rates would revert to pre-2018 levels for tax payers with more than $400K of taxable income (meaning rates would return to 39.6%). The current Social Security tax of 12.4% would apply to employment as well as self-employment earnings above $400K. Lastly, the value for itemized deductions would also be limited.
Lockdown Restrictions- Hello old friend.
November is on track for being the worst month for the Pandemic. Corona-virus infections have drastically increased within days. YES, DAYS. States are implementing restrictions once again to help curve the spread of the virus. Say goodbye to indoor dining and group gatherings in some states. If you’re curious about what your state restrictions are, check out this great resource The New York Times released. The only hail Mary we may have very soon is a vaccine from Pfizer. So hang in there, this may not be for long.
Important Dates
Thanksgiving - November 26th
Black Friday - November 27th
Cyber Monday - November 30th
Virtual Thanksgiving
Looking for a fun way to spend time with Family and stay safe? Believe it or not, there are some fun virtual activities that you could participate in with family. Since I’m more frugal these days, it could actually cut cost as well. This year, my family and I are having a charcuterie board competition. Some of you who know me personally realize that I’m a vegetarian, so I won’t have have any meat on my board, but I’ll have tons of fruits and veggies. We are also doing a virtual cocktail class (from a family member at no cost) to get us started right.
PTO - don’t lose your PTO
This year is quickly coming to an end. This past Monday, I realized how much PTO I have that will be lost if it’s not put to use! I’m an avid traveler, but with this year’s pandemic, I haven’t been able to travel at all. With that being said, I’m a candidate for potentially losing my paid time off. What I’ve decided to do is use those days off to really focus on my side hustle. I think this year has really illuminated how important it is to have more than one stream of income. Remember, PTO is apart of your salary. Don’t let that slip away. Unsure where you are with PTO? Check in with your HR Department.
As always, thanks for subscribing to my blog. If there are any topics you guys want to learn more about, shoot me an email! Take care and always remember YOUR VOTE MATTERS. Until next time.