GOALS without PLANS are only DREAMS

Currently listening to “On My Mind” by Jorja Smith while drinking some Earl Grey. Realizing that June is quickly approaching. YES, we are halfway through the year! What have I accomplished within the last six months? I’m still pondering and honestly I’m disappointed. The pandemic has thrown us all for a loop, but I won’t allow this to happen again. Below are some questions I think we all should ask ourselves that could help keep us on track for the remainder of the year:

  • Short-term or Long-term Goals - It’s important that we categorize our goals. Is there something you think you can complete by end of year? Two short-term goals that I’m currently working on is a landscaping project and establishing my own LLC . I’m planning to have the landscaping project completed by mid-June and my LLC formulated by the end of June. Somebody’s going to be busy!

  • Weekly Checkin-ins & Deadlines - If you’re like me, procrastination is my worst enemy. He pays me a visit daily and for whatever, I always let him in. Do you have weekly check-ins with yourself? Starting in June, this will be a new commitment to myself. Every Saturday morning, I’m dedicating time to follow up on the progress of my goals (long and short-term) and setting deadlines to get them done. No excuses!

  • Consistency & Motivation - what motivates you to stay consistent? A personal flaw of mine with certain goals is consistency. A perfect example is working out. I'm still working to develop a routine that works for me and brings me happiness. What keeps you going? What pushes you to reach your goals every day? It has to be something besides money. Really dig deep and think about this one.

  • Accountability - This one came to mind during a webinar that I attended last week called “7 Steps to Starting a Successful Business” led by Alexis Hart McDowell. She dropped major keys during this webinar by the way. Visit her site to learn more about what she does and how she could help you with some personal goals that you may have. She was actually my Real Estate Attorney! Love her! Accountability came up during her webinar and it’s so true. If we aren’t holding ourselves accountable, we’ll never get to where we need to be. Are you holding yourself accountable? Consider getting an accountability partner.

  • It’s NEVER too late - It’s ok if goal setting hasn’t crossed your mind yet. Get started now! Maybe there’s something that you’ve been wanting to start, but time hasn’t been of the essence. START NOW. Even if it’s something small. Ask yourself this- “Do you plan to take advantage of the quarantine or are you going to let it take advantage of you?

My favorite item listed above is checking in with yourself. It’s so easy to forget to follow up on your progress. If you’ve had a goal on your list for months or even years, what’s keeping you from crossing that hurdle? June is pretty much here and I challenge all my readers to put at least one goal in place. No matter how small it may be, JUST START NOW!